5 Mother’s Day Gift Ideas

Tired of gifting a bouquet of flowers every year? Here are 5 Mother’s Day gift ideas to show your mother, or the mother of your children some love and appreciation.

MedCheck Blood Pressure Monitor + Blood Glucose Monitor + Body Scale Bundle

Our mothers put in so much effort into taking care of us, ensuring that we are healthy and happy. As they get older, it is our turn to take care of them. This Mother’s Day, purchase the MedCheck Blood Pressure Monitor, Glucose Monitor and Body Scale bundle to show them you care. These MedCheck products come with a mobile application that allows you to monitor the vitals of your loved ones remotely and keep track of your loved ones’ health even when you are busy.

The MedCheck products are on sale on Shopee and Lazada this Mother’s Day celebration so grab the chance and give your mother the gift of wellness this year.

Eu Yan Sang Birds Nest

Bird’s nest is rich in calcium, iron, potassium, sodium, phosphorous, sialic acid, and amino acids. This makes it the perfect health supplement for gifting your loved ones. Moreover, bird’s nest also contains epidermal growth factor, which helps in cell regeneration and boosts collagen production. With this Mother’s Day gift, your mother will definitely thank you for keeping her youthful and beautiful! What’s more, coupled with Eu Yan Sang’s Mother’s Day promotion, bird’s nest is the perfect booster to pamper your mother.

Sleep Assessment

Have you noticed your mother getting increasingly restless as she ages? Have there been more complaints about difficulties or problems in sleeping? Noticed your mother visiting the bathroom in the night more than before? Well, these are some common symptoms of sleep apnea.

Sleep apnea is an increasing condition commonly undiagnosed. However, as we age, our risk for sleep apnea increases. This Mother’s day, show your love and concern for your mother by helping her to complete this Free Sleep Assessment here. Sometimes, health is the greatest gift of all.

OSIM uGlow set

All women love to be loved. This uGlow set will not only sho ut how much you love your mother but will help her to upgrade her beauty routine and help tackle early signs of ageing (don’t tell her we said that). For mothers who are too busy to take care of their skin, the uGlow Eye and uGlow Mist is a perfect Mother’s Day gift as it fits perfectly in bags or cosmetic pouches –  addressing theirs on the go beauty needs.

Art Jamming Session

Nothing beats spending quality time together with your mother. The perfect Mother’s Day gift may just be some Mother’s Day activities. Instead of getting an expensive gift, you may consider spending some time art jamming and creating memories this Mother’s Day. The final art piece can also be your very own Mother’s Day card!

Mental Health Management

Before 2020, mental disorders were already the leading causes of global health-related burdens, particularly depressive and anxiety disorders, according to The Lancet’s review on global mental health. The COVID-19 pandemic created an environment that exacerbated determinants of poor mental health. Notably, the locations hit hardest by the pandemic — quantified by decreased human mobility and daily infection rate — saw the greatest increase in the prevalence of major mental health issues.

With the ongoing vaccinations and the lifting of lockdown measures in many parts of the world, we’re slowly moving towards an approximation of post-pandemic life. Still, many people are struggling to cope with the losses incurred over the past two years, and appropriate healthcare services may not be easily available. The remote management of mental health — counseling, therapy, substance abuse support delivered through communication channels — is essential. Here are some ways you can monitor and manage mental health symptoms:

Set a routine for yourself

According to an article published in the Journal of Global Health, regular routines serve as a buffer against stress exposure on mental health. Primary routines are behaviors that are necessary to maintain biological needs, including hygiene, sleeping, and eating. These should be combined with secondary routines like exercise, leisure, socialization, and work or study practices. With the disruptions caused by the pandemic, it’s important to adopt a routine that suits your current situation and pays attention to safety protocols like longer handwashing or masking up. If you’re struggling with building an effective routine, you can make small changes and take notes of any weak spots, then talk to your therapist for any recommendations.

Keep track of your red flags

One good mental health habit to cultivate is to be mindful of what bothers you. We mentioned in our Smartfuture post on managing mental health how it helps to recognize any symptoms of stress or anxiety, such as feelings of frustration, worry, sadness, or physical discomfort. Sometimes, mental health issues can also manifest as unexplained actions like sudden outrage or compulsively checking the news. Pay attention to your patterns, and keep an eye out for what may have triggered these moods — it could help your therapist better work with you. For immediate relief, try to distract yourself from negative emotions by stretching, journaling, listening to music, or practicing breathing exercises.

Take a mental health day

Working remotely means the lines are blurred between our working spaces and home. It’s tempting to stay at our desks and work longer hours because we want to feel more productive. To keep our mental health in shape, it’s best to set boundaries by having a set start time, end time, and break times every day. Lifestyle writer James Gonzales also points out that we will still need dedicated time off, even if it’s just a free day to lounge around and rest the mind. Make the most out of your employee benefits and take a mental health day. You can opt to do relaxing activities like yoga, massage, swimming, or hiking — or simply stay at home and lounge around. The key is to listen to your body and mind on when to take a breather.

Attend therapy sessions regularly

It’s great if you already have a therapist and you’ve resumed in-person sessions. But what if you can’t see your therapist face-to-face, or you don’t have a therapist at all? Fortunately, we now have options for remote treatment. Freelance writer Karen Hoffman notes that online therapy is expected to continue and grow as a form of mental health support in the coming years, post-pandemic. Telehealth practices provide patients access, quality, and cost advantages to therapy. You don’t have to delay treatment, and you can work through personal problems with your therapist — so long as you attend virtual sessions and actively participate in them.

Smartfuture is a Singapore-based company that offers solutions to connect healthcare with their patients, so they can adequately manage their conditions. Contact us today to learn more about our products and services.

Specially written for OurSmartFuture.com
By: Raizel Jaelynn

5 things that could be making your COPD worse

Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) is a chronic inflammatory lung disease that causes airflow blockage and breathing-related problems. According to WHO, COPD is the third leading cause of death worldwide. Although, there is currently no cure for COPD, do you know that the following 5 misconceptions could be making your COPD worse?

If you have COPD, you cannot exercise
Moderate exercise has been shown to be safe and beneficial for most people with COPD. Particularly, management of COPD symptoms with pulmonary rehabilitation has proven to improve the quality of life for patients.

There is no point in quitting smoking if you already have COPD
Smoking cessation is one of the most effective treatment for COPD. Preliminary studies have shown that smoking cessation can reduce the rate of COPD progression for at risk patients. Therefore, it is still imperative to quit smoking even if you are already diagnosed with COPD.

There are no treatments for COPD
While there is currently no cure for COPD, treatments can help to regulate the symptoms and progression of the disease.

Body weight does not affect COPD
Numerous studies have suggested that COPD is related to Body Mass Index (BMI). Particularly, underweight patients are associated with poorer prognosis. Thus, maintaining a healthy BMI is important for COPD patients.

Diet does not affect COPD
A healthy and balanced diet can help you to breathe easier and improve COPD symptoms. Therefore, food rich in simple carbohydrates such as soft drinks; food rich in trans fats and saturated fats such as fried food, should be limited.

Debunking the Top 8 Sleep Apnea Myths

Sleep apnea is a disorder in which your breathing repeatedly stops and starts during sleep. With sleep apnea rising up to be one of the most prevalent sleep disorders worldwide, sleep apnea is becoming more common than you think. But how much do you know about sleep apnea?

Here are 8 myths about the condition debunked to better your knowledge.

1.  Sleep Apnea is harmless
While symptoms of sleep apnea like snoring or waking up to pee in the night may appear relatively harmless – Sleep apnea, when left untreated in the long term, can significantly increase your risks for diabetes, heart attacks, and strokes.

2. Sleep Apnea is caused by a blocked airway
The most common type of sleep apnea, Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), as the name proposed, is caused by a collapsed airway. However, Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) is caused by the brain signals to the muscles that regulate breathing is not properly transmitted, resulting in sleep apnea.

3. Sleep Apnea only occurs in the elderly
While it is somewhat true that the risk of sleep apnea significantly increases as we age, sleep apnea does not only occur in the elderly. Children and young adults may also experience sleep apnea.

4. Alcohol can help you sleep and improve sleep apnea
Contrary to popular belief that alcohol can help you sleep better, studies have shown that under the influence of alcohol, our muscles relax more than usual, which in turn increase the tendency for collapsed airways, leading to the development of sleep apnea.

5. Children do not experience sleep apnea
Obstructive sleep apnea is common in children, affecting 1-10% of children. Common risk factors include premature birth, down syndrome, and obesity. If your child experiences sleeping difficulties or frequent lethargy, it is advisable for them to go for a sleep test.

6. Lean people will not have sleep apnea
Although obesity is a major risk factor for Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), it is estimated that non-obese patients constitute 20% of the OSA patient population. Worryingly, non-obese patients with OSA have greater than fourfold risk of hypertension and cardiovascular conditions than obese patients.

7. Sleep Apnea only occurs in snorers.
While heavy and loud snoring is one of the symptoms of sleep apnea. It has been observed that patients with central sleep apnea rarely snore.

8. Only men experience sleep apnea
While men do have a higher risk factor of sleep apnea than women, it does not rule out the fact that women can suffer from sleep apnea too. However, the risk for sleep apnea increases for women who are overweight or have experienced menopause.

Surprised by the results? While sleep apnea common may be more common than you think, the condition is totally preventable with early intervention. If you are worried about your sleep, get your FREE sleep assessment here.

Field safety notice (International Markets) – Philips CPAP machines


Philips Sleep Respiratory Care-FSN

Dear Customer,

This email is to inform you of the updates on the FSCA (Field Safety Correction Action) for the Philips Respironics BiPAP or CPAP device that you have purchased.

Please refer to the Field Safety Notice (FSN) issued by Philips Sleep and Respiratory Care (SRC) attached in this email for more information.

Kindly acknowledge this email by providing us with the following details:

  • Serial Number of your Dreamstation (Found on the back of the device)
  • Full Name
  • Contact number

We regret the inconvenience and seek your continued understanding and patience in this matter.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email us at online@oursmartfuture.com or WhatsApp us at 8836 0984.

Thank you.

Smartfuture Pte Ltd

Feeling Unexplainably Tired? Here Are 5 Reasons Why

While it is inevitable to start feeling all depleted or experiencing moments of intense fatigue at some point of our life, it is not normal when you find yourself extremely tired despite the full 6 to 8 hours of sleep or that no matter how many cups of coffee you had in the single hour and you still find yourself yawning away.

There are many reasons that could possibly contribute to the fatigue, and knowing what causes them will be key to addressing the issue. Here are some reasons why the tiredness is not going away.

Symptoms of an Underlying Medical Issue

Many conditions list tiredness as a symptoms. From thyroid conditions (where patients struggle to find an energy balance) to mental conditions (such as depression), to kidney diseases or Obstructive Sleep Apnea.

In the case of Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA), patients are unable to get a full night of uninterrupted sleep, which in turns causes daytime fatigue.

Speaking to a general practitioner will help you to rule out health problems and make a diagnosis and receive treatment and also learn how you can pace yourself and increase your energy. Online screeners are also a great way to get yourself started, here is an OSA Assessment that you can try – https://oursmartfuture.com/get-sleep-check/


For those that decide to go on a diet, cutting off sugar is a definite NO. Skipping meals may not allow the body to get enough calories which are needed to keep the energy level up. Long gaps between meals also deplete the blood sugar which will also decrease the energy.

For those going on a sugar spike diet, a sudden surge of sugar will cause a rollercoaster effect on the blood sugar. While you will feel the surge of energy after consumption of sugar, the rebound effect will hit after as the blood sugar crashes. What comes after is the sluggishness and the little bit of energy holding itself together.

Additionally, vitamin deficiency because of the change of diet can cause major fatigue as well. Experts advise that a better approach to diet will be also to include foods that take longer time to digest – sweet potato, bananas, nuts, and beans for example – these food tends to release sugar steadily throughout the day.

Hormones Changes

When you are under stress, your body goes into a fight-or-flight mode. Which causes an increase in the stress hormone, cortisol. In small doses, this response is safe but in the case of it being long-term, it takes a toll on the body in the form of poor sleep and low energy.

To tackle the issue, first, you have to identify the stress issues and learn how to control the way you face the problem. Learning different techniques of deep breathing and meditation can also help you stay calm in stressful situations.

Sedentary Lifestyle

A sedentary lifestyle with nowhere to expel causes a buildup of energy that last beyond bedtime, keeping you awake.

Adding in some simple exercises in your daily routine, such as taking a 20mins walk after a meal or doing yoga routine before sleeping are a great way to get rid of the excess energy. Researches have also indicated that exercise does not only help boost sleep duration but also the quality of sleep.

Bad Habits

It can be tempting to take that seemingly harmless after meal nap or playing another round of PUBG on the phone but these are the reasons that contribute to the lack of sleep during bedtime.

Using the phone, for example before sleep, increase alertness at night and long period of looking at the blue-light can be detrimental to your eyes.

Inculcating good sleeping habits such as ensure that your bedroom is quiet, dark, and at a comfortable temperature and also not lying awake on your bed for more than 10 minutes are some important habits to introduce to your lifestyle. Here are more ideas for you to consider : https://oursmartfuture.com/change-the-way-you-sleep-with-5-easy-sleep-tips/

While extreme fatigue may seem like a fairly harmless condition, with the occasional dozing off during meetings or lost of attention during a conversation. Studies have also shown that extreme fatigue has also been the cause of car accidents and also attribute to suicidal behaviour. If you find yourself or a friend displaying symptoms of extreme fatigue, its time to practice good sleep hygiene or consult your general practitioner.

Myths Busted: 5 Big Myths About Diabetes

Globally, the number of people with diabetes have rapidly risen from 108 million in 1980 to 422 million in 2014. Just in Singapore alone, one in nine Singapore residents aged 18 to 69 years were affected by diabetes in 2010 and the number is set to grow bigger in the coming years. While diet and lifestyle changes greatly contribute to the number, getting your facts right can help you to be more aware of the ways to prevent diabetes. Here are the top 5 of the biggest myths about diabetes – busted.

“Only Adults Are Prone to Diabetes”

Type 1 diabetes also known as Juvenile Diabetes gets its name because it is usually prevalent in young children. Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune chronic condition and is usually inherited and cannot be prevented.

Although Type 1 diabetes tends to occur in children and young adults – it is also possible for Type 1 Diabetes to occur at any age.

“Prediabetes is Not a Serious Medical Condition”

Prediabetes occurs when one’s blood glucose level is higher than normal and is a warning health condition. Neglected prediabetes symptoms and the continuation of lifestyle and diet habits can lead to the development of Type 2 diabetes.

Luckily though, prediabetes is reversible and can be prevented by better lifestyle management and healthy eating.

All Types of Diabetes Are the Same

While there are several types of diabetes, the most common amongst people are Type 1 DiabetesType 2 Diabetes, and also Gestational diabetes.

  • Type 1 Diabetes (also known as Juvenile Diabetes)
    Type 1 diabetes is an autoimmune chronic condition and is usually inherited and cannot be prevented. The patient’s pancreas produces little or no insulin and the patient depends on insulin to stay alive. Type 1 diabetes tends to occur in children and young adults – although it is also possible for Type 1 Diabetes to occur at any age.
  • Type 2 Diabetes
    Type 2 diabetes is the most common type of diabetes that can occur to anyone at any age. While the body still produces insulin, unlike Type 1, the body do not respond to it as effectively as before. While type 2 diabetes occurs most often in middle-aged and older people, it is possible to prevent the onset of the disease with proper management.
  • Gestational diabetes
    Gestational diabetes develops in some women when they are pregnant. Most of the time, this type of diabetes goes away after the baby is born. However, if you have had gestational diabetes, you have a greater chance of developing type 2 diabetes later in life. Sometimes diabetes diagnosed during pregnancy is actually type 2 diabetes.
  • Other types of diabetes
    Less common types include monogenic diabetes, which is an inherited form of diabetes, and cystic fibrosis-related diabetes.

It is advised that should you experience the symptoms of diabetes, it is recommended that you consult your General Practitioner to get a diagnosis to better understand your condition.

“Diabetics Cannot Consume Sugar”

For many of us, we associate a high glucose level with sugar and in a bid to reduce the glucose level in our blood, our first reaction is usually to cut down on sugar in our diet.

But to completely cut sugar from our diet is near impossible as sugar provide energy and help form proteins, or are stored for future use. The brain and red blood cells can only use glucose for energy and for the mother-to-be, sugar also helps form the baby’s cells and produce milk.

People with high sugar level should not just blindly opt for “sugar-free” labels on food and beverages as they may have a high-fat content. Rather, eating in moderation and learning to read your food label will help you to manage diabetes more effectively.

“Artificial Sweeteners is not as Bad as Sugar”

Artificial sweeteners are a kind of food additive that provides a sweet flavour, commonly used as a sugar-replacement. Unlike sugar itself, most sweeteners contain significantly less food energy and hence, making it a zero-calorie or low-calorie replacement.

Although artificial sweeteners do not spike blood sugar levels, studies have shown that they have been linked to the development of insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes.

Some research has found that artificial sweeteners can change the type and number of bacteria that live in your colon, which may contribute to glucose intolerance, weight gain and in turn, diabetes.

In conclusion, introducing a diet rich in fruits, vegetables, nuts and coffee, consuming alcohol in moderation and maintaining a healthy body weight and exercising regularly can help reduce your risk of diabetes and should be made a part of your lifestyle.

5 Questions with Maya Butti – Nutritionist & Yoga Teacher

As Singapore enters into its second month of the Circuit Breaker, apparent lifestyle changes are beginning to take place on the supermarket shelves. From initiate food piling of snacks and sugary drinks, the shift in the shortage of flour and strangely oatmeal have seen Singaporean moving on to a more conscious diet. Combined with the tightening of the guideline on exercising, we speak to our Sydney-based Nutritionist cum yogi, Maya Butti in some ways you can keep healthy while adhering to the stay-home guideline.

Smartfuture (SF): Hi Maya! Why don’t you share with us a little about yourself?

Maya: I am a qualified nutritionist and yoga teacher. I used to work corporate in a previous life, but after living an unhealthy lifestyle for many years, I felt that it was time to make a change. When I was working in corporate, I practised yoga once a week. This one class came to me like salvation, not only was it a great stress reliever, it helps me find myself again. I then decided to go all in and went to India to study yoga, where I learned about yoga philosophy and Ayurveda (the yogic system of health). This inspired me to pursue natural health and I studied to become a nutritionist. I now treat people holistically- using food, supplements, lifestyle changes and yoga to help people live a healthy life and feel great in their body!

SF: With do you think are some of the modern ailments bothering people?

Maya: Some of the more common issues I notice includes, digestive issues, food intolerances, trouble sleeping, weight loss and weight gain, poor energy and hormonal conditions.

The body systems are interrelated, so an issue in one part of the body an often be caused from somewhere else. For example, when I work with clients to heal their gut, we often see an improvement in skin conditions and mood! Nutrition consultations can help with a broad range of chronic conditions naturally and while treating conditions at their root cause.

SF: With the big migration from working in the office to homes, what are some tips you can share to help us adapt better to this new situation?

Maya: Staying active while adhering to government guidelines is a pretty big lifestyle change. Many of us will now have to find ways to exercise from home – lucky though, there are plenty of online yoga and fitness classes to keep us busy! Lay off the excuses and remember to include them in your schedule! During this time, eating healthy is even more important – find me on Instagram to get some nutritional tips!

SF: What is some advice you have to keep the spirit up during these uncertain times?

Maya: Something that has helped me greatly is to remember that we are all in this together. Not just you and your household or your workplace, but the whole world. We as humans are strong enough and compassionate enough to get through this together and I think that we can even come out stronger. We may be farther away from each other physically but I believe we can be more connected than ever.

SF: With the shortages of snacks and unhealthy food, what is some advice you have for our next grocery run?

While I confessed to having the occasional dark chocolate as my guilty pleasure, often the “feel-good” snacks make us feel good for the few minutes that we are eating them but it will hit us later all and the consequences can hang around for quite a while!

I am all about having a healthy balance and believe that we can indulge every now and then, however it is important to maintain a long-term vision of our health. The instant gratification of eating those foods will never beat the long-term benefit of eating healthy. I think saving those snacks for once a week is a good compromise. This is especially important for those whose physical activity level has decreased.

As a piece of general advice, I would suggest people to remove as much processed foods as possible and get back to eating whole foods. Imagine what your grandmother ate- that is usually a good indication of how we should be eating!

COVID-19 Guide: Managing Your Mental Health

With the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak, it is without a doubt that the general public is sinking into much uncertainty. The worries about their job stability, finances and the state of the world moving forward. For those with existing mental health conditions, the stress from the current situation is only further exacerbating their condition.

With the government implemented Circuit Breaker status, more than 70% of the global population have migrated to working from home and schools migrating to e-learning. The sudden pressure for all family members to be under one roof can cause both overwhelming anxiety to both adults and children. But the good news is that there are many ways that may help you reduce stress and take care of your mental well-being and here are some tips.

Talk to People

Social distancing does not mean to socially isolate. Human are by nature – social beings and rely on interaction to stimulate the mind and stay sane. So, reach out to your friends and family and connect through chat apps and video calls. Share your concerns with them and in the process, make sure that they are okay too.

If you are looking for light-hearted social activities, try playing drawing games with friends or strangers via sites like https://skribbl.io/ or Cards Against Humanity online.

Stay Physically Active

It’s easy to let your mind wander when you are doing nothing. Engage in simple activities such as a walk at the neighbourhood park or just dedicating 20 minutes a day to simple exercises. Exercises are essential as it gets the blood flowing and help it to circulate better in the body – ensuring ample energy throughout the day. Exercising also enhances the responses to bacterial and viral intruders and is important to maintain a stable immune system.

Not sure of what exercises you can do at home? June from 1 Workout A Day has many exercises videos on her channel that you can get started on.

Know When To Power Off

Make routine your new best friend. It helps you to create a clear distinction between work and non-work time, essential to both your physical health and mental workspace. While working from home trains people to be focused and disciplined, it is easy to miss the cues and work beyond the hours. Overcome the problem by implementing work hours and stick to it. Refrain from sending out work emails or reading them past your working hours and allocate time to your family and well-being. With proper work-life balance, you will be able to realise that you working is not as stressful as it seems.

Know Your Red Flags

Always keep your emotions in check. If you find yourself feeling frustrated, worry or sad, or feeling physically uncomfortable like tension, constant upset stomach or jitters, or even unexplained actions such as sudden outrage or compulsively checking the latest COVID statistics -recognise these as symptoms of stress or anxiety.

To avoid sinking deeper into the negative emotions, try to distract yourself. It could be to take time off from the screen or news by stretching, listening to music or journaling. If it gets too overwhelming, allow yourself some time to calm down and address the issue.

Box Breathing Method

Using the box breathing technique can be useful to calm yourself down and regain control over your thoughts. It can help you focus and identify why you are feeling that way and help you to rationalize to feel better.

If you felt as though you have exhausted all methods and is still feeling very much helpless. Do not panic and know that if you need help, you can always talk to someone about it. Sometimes it is not easy speaking to family or friends about things but speaking to a stranger might be much easier. Here is a link that may help : https://www.sos.org.sg/get-help/other-available-resources

Let’s hope we all can press on and overcome this pandemic together.

Fun Ways to Keep Your Stay at Home Boredom at Bay

The COVID-19 outbreak across the globe have seen millions of employees worldwide migrating from their workplace to home, many for the first time. Corporate enterprises are making the concerted efforts to fight the coronavirus outbreak by encouraging or enforcing their employees to work from home – a move strongly encouraged by medical experts in reducing the spread of the virus.

While staying at home can be comfortable for some, studies have shown that staying at home for a prolonged period of time can be detrimental to both physical and mental health. Separate studies of quarantined patients of SARS, the 2003 coronavirus outbreak in 2003 have seen an onset of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) in China healthcare workers at 10% and in Canda, symptoms of PTSD and depression – observed in 28.9% and 31.2% of respondents, respectively.

However, as the situation progresses, more and more people are facing the prospects of quarantine, social distancing or working from home. Here are some ideas for yourself to adapt to the new normal.

Workout Video Game

For the uninitiated, workout video games corporate gameplay with fitness elements that not only help players to feel good mentally but also physically. Some titles have shown results of player drastically losing weight over a period of time and like with most of the games played moderately – video games have shown to help those who suffer from mental disorders such as anxiety, depression, antisocial personality disorder (APD), attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and Alzheimer’s disease.

Here are some top-selling titles to get you started: Wii Sports (on Wii), Just Dance (Wii, Wii U, PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, Xbox 360, Xbox One, iOS, Android, Nintendo Switch, Microsoft Windows, Stadia), Ring Fit Adventure (Nintendo Switch)Shape Up(Xbox One), and Creed: Rise to Glory (Oculus Quest, PlayStation 4, Microsoft Windows).

Online Streaming Exercises

With the latest announcement of the Singapore government limiting outdoor activities, many are finding alternatives to change up their workout routine. Luckily, there are tons of free-to-stream videos workout online that you can even mix up with different instructors or to incorporate a new regimen in exercises.

For the first-timers, here are some Youtube Channels to check on:
For the Pilates-lover: https://www.youtube.com/user/blogilates/featured
For those that like to move along: https://www.youtube.com/user/popsugartvfit
For the dancing queens: https://www.youtube.com/user/TheFitnessMarshall
For those that like AI: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCDUlDJcPPOOQK-3UrxEyhAQ
And lastly, for the chill yogi: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene/videos

Starting a new hobby

Starting a new hobby can be scary – devoting hours of your life and then realising that – maybe this is not for me after all and then give up on it can get depressing after a while. Finding a hobby is a journey but once you find it, you will see how it excites you and motivate you towards different goals. If mindless hobbies are not your way to go, try something practical like soap making, baking, or restoring furniture.

Trying new recipes

While juggling work, kids and home duties are tough, you do not have to worry about burning down your kitchen trying new recipes. Simple recipes such as the latest trend of Dalgona coffee (the recipe takes less than 5 minutes) or Mason Jar Salad can be an easy and quick way to get you started. Who knows, you may even become the next power food Instagrammer!

Additionally tip for your next grocery run – do not forget to incorporate some nature’s immunity boosters into your list.