Busting the Covid-19 Myths

Busting the Covid-19 Myths

smartfutureAdmin 10 March, 2020

As the COVID-19 virus persists, the issue of social distancing, panic buying, and fakes news rises abound. Whatsapp messages about the impending lockdown of the nation or news about the patients getting better on their own are aplenty and easy to convince the uninformed. If you have some time, here are some myths buster and facts that you should be looking at.

What is the COVID-19 virus?

COVID-19 is a novel coronavirus disease that was discovered in 2019. This infectious disease causes a respiratory illness with symptoms such as high fever, dry cough, tiredness and in more severe cases, difficulty breathing.

How does it spread?

It has been reaffirmed by the World Health Organisation (WHO) that the COVID-19 virus is primarily spread through droplets. The coronavirus disease spreads mainly through contact with an infected person when they cough or sneeze near you. Also, it spreads when an individual touches a surface or object that has the virus, then touches his face such as the eyes, nose or mouth.

Myths Buster

Despite the worrying and stressful period, we should continue to stay vigilant and be calm, check news sources to prevent misinformation of the coronavirus disease to others.

Myth 1: The Coronavirus Disease Does Not Survive in Hot Weather

From the statistics collected so far, the coronavirus has shown to be able to transmit in ALL areas – including areas with hot and humid weather.

Myth 2: The Coronavirus Only Affects the Older and Younger Demographic

Statistics tabulated by the World Health Organization has said that people of all ages need to take steps to protect themselves from COVID-19. In particular, older people, and people with pre-existing medical conditions (such as asthma, diabetes, heart disease) appear to be more vulnerable as they are at increased risk of severe complications.

Myth 3: Antibiotics is All I Need to Get Well

Although there are reports of patients getting well on their own, self-medicating or taking antibiotics are definitely not the right way to get better. Antibiotics are used to fight bacteria, not viruses, which is what COVID-19 is. While the myth may have stemmed from the fact some people who are hospitalized for coronavirus have received antibiotics, but that is only because bacterial “co-infections” are possible with COVID-19, according to the WHO – the antibiotic does not treat the virus itself.

Patients who has symptoms of the virus are encouraged to visit their GP clinics and do not GP hop.

Myth 4: Mosquitoes Spreads Coronavirus

With the temperature rises as we go into the hottest months of the year, the increasing population of mosquitoes are leading people to raise concern on mosquitoes being the possible channel of the virus. WHO has confirmed that so far, there are no information nor evidence to suggest that the coronavirus can be transmitted by mosquitoes and that the primarily spread is only though droplet from someone with the virus. Once again, emphasizing on the need for social distancing and frequent hand washing.

Myth 5: Rinsing Your Nose and Gargling With Saline Solution Helps Prevent Covid-19 Infection

While the WHO has confirmed that there is evidence stating that regular rinsing of the nose with saline can help you get over the common cold more quickly, this method does not apply to COVID-19 and other respiratory infections.

Good habits are essential to keep the virus away from yourself and others. Here are some habits to incorporate into your daily routine.

  • Wash your hands with anti-bacterial soap for 20 seconds.
  • Refrain from touching your face, especially when your hands are unclean.
  • If you are feeling unwell, wear a mask if you need to go out and see the doctor. Also, you should rest at home.
  • Use a hand sanitiser or disinfectant wipes when water is unavailable.
  • Practise social distancing; stand 1 metre away from an individual while in queues and stand at the designated lines and blocks in public spaces as they are marked out to indicate social distancing efforts
  • Opt for cashless or contactless payment to minimise contact and also as to also speed up the processing of payment.
  • Defer all non-essential overseas travelling.
  • Monitor your own health conditions and avoid going to mass gatherings.

Social responsibility is an ethic that we should adopt together. Let’s hope that we can brave through this epidemic together.

For a complete list of myths buster, visit the WHO site.

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